Western Environmental were engaged to conduct detailed biological assessments to investigate the occurrence of environmental values within the Hartfield Park Offset Area to support the development of an offset package.
Works included targeted searches for three conservation significant species: Banksia mimica (Threatened pursuant to EPBC Act and BC Act); Conospermum undulatum (Threatened pursuant to EPBC Act and BC Act); and Johnsonia pubescens subsp. cygnorum (P2), detailed vegetation assessment to determine Floristic Community Types and Threatened/Priority Ecology Communities, Targeted Black Cockatoo Assessment, Floristic analysis of new and existing quadrats to confirm FCTs as described by Gibson et al. (1994) and identification of the presence of Commonwealth and State listed TECs, Preparation of a technical report detailing the findings of the desktop assessment and field surveys and preparation of a geospatial data package prepared in accordance with Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) requirements.