Western Environmental was appointed as lead consultant and client-side advisors for the design and construction phases of the Perth Airport Link project from 2015 to project completion in 2023. Works included preparation of a sampling and analysis quality plan and large-scale detailed site investigation in a complex multi-jurisdictional environment. Site assessment occurred prior to the establishment of state-based or national PFAS guidance.
Western Environmental led a team of interstate and international PFAS experts to devise a sampling methodology for soil, sediment, ground and surface waters that was subsequently adopted by the state-based regulator and incorporated into the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) interim PFAS guidance. Further works included Tier 3 quantitative PFAS risk assessment, supervision/monitoring of forward forks and remediation, and devising a strategy for the re-use of 1,500,000 cubic metres of low-level PFAS-impacted soils on future public infrastructure projects. All works were subject to DWER-accredited Auditor review and approval, along with State and Federal regulators and third-party stakeholders.