Industrial and manufacturing processes are facing greater scrutiny and accountability over time, necessitating environmentally conscious design, siting, operational management and closure in order to mitigate environmental and financial risks.
Consideration of environmental risks and opportunities in the design phase allows for the protection of key environmental values and provides proponents with a valid social licence to operate. If done properly, it also minimizes future financial risks and liabilities associated with pollution or contamination events.
At the opposite end of the site life cycle, the identification, assessment and remediation of legacy impacts at former industrial and manufacturing sites unlocks commercial value as well as enhancing the quality of life of surrounding human populations and sensitive ecological receptors.
We offer a holistic approach to environmental management of industrial sites, from early phase feasibility assessment and approvals, licences and permits to operate, through compliance monitoring and reporting during operations, and management of closed or legacy sites. Our innovative approach to remediation and our contracting capabilities mean we can deliver cost effective, pragmatic and safe solutions to manage contamination.
Industrial and Manufacturing
Industrial and manufacturing processes are facing greater scrutiny and accountability over time, necessitating environmentally conscious design, siting, operational management and closure in order to mitigate environmental and financial risks.
Consideration of environmental risks and opportunities in the design phase allows for the protection of key environmental values and provides proponents with a valid social licence to operate. If done properly, it also minimizes future financial risks and liabilities associated with pollution or contamination events.
At the opposite end of the site life cycle, the identification, assessment and remediation of legacy impacts at former industrial and manufacturing sites unlocks commercial value as well as enhancing the quality of life of surrounding human populations and sensitive ecological receptors.
We offer a holistic approach to environmental management of industrial sites, from early phase feasibility assessment and approvals, licences and permits to operate, through compliance monitoring and reporting during operations, and management of closed or legacy sites. Our innovative approach to remediation and our contracting capabilities mean we can deliver cost effective, pragmatic and safe solutions to manage contamination.